Auckland’s only Regional Asian Ethnic Engagement initiative in play, active recreation and sport.
ActivAsian is an Auckland-wide approach involving key delivery partners; CLM Community Sport, Harbour Sport, Sport Auckland & Sport Waitākere.
At Sport Waitākere, we aim to listen, understand, and support Asian people's wellbeing and health by providing inclusive environments.
We are committed to focusing on health & wellbeing, tamariki & rangatahi, women & girls, sustainable & locally-led initiatives, sector diversity & inclusion development.
- Increase equality and equity in play, active recreation and sport
- Enable opportunities for more enriched sport experiences
- Build capability in our communities
- Provide support to find funding opportunities
- Build partnerships with communities, sports clubs, local government and other stakeholders
We are open to collaborate, support, and empower our Asian Communities across West Auckland.
Please feel free to contact our team.